Welcome to Unlock the Healing Path with me Natasha Hornedo. This show is about moving forward through grief with grace. Have you ever felt like if you just had the right tools? If you just have the right resources? if you just knew then, what you know now, that you'd be able to carve that path out, that healing path, that one where your soul is calling out for more, but you don't know what the more is. Unlock the Healing Path is a show to help everyone out there to become more aware of what it is inside of them, of what you must heal in order to unlock that inner light.
Watch live on facebook 2nd & 4th Mondays at 12pm pt / 3pm et
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Imagine that your inner light of healing switched on every day. Imagine that unlocking the healing path allows that inner light to come to the forefront. Imagine that you can radiate as brightly as the sun because now you have inner light healing and you have unlocked your personal, your blueprinted, your archetypical healing path. Imagine you can now release all of the wounds that are holding you back. That Woundology must be healed in order to understand those parts of yourself, whether it be experienced through trauma, whether it be experienced through shock, the body must be moved through grief.
streaming on transformationtalkradio.com